Wow that’s a mouthful! And who wants to write anything any way!? Well to be honest, hand in hand with journalling and calligraphy, hand written letters are coming back into style in a big way.
I can sort of understand
Wow that’s a mouthful! And who wants to write anything any way!? Well to be honest, hand in hand with journalling and calligraphy, hand written letters are coming back into style in a big way.
I can sort of understand
The Windermere Sling sounds like a fancy cocktail but it is in fact a really nicely sized sling bag (somewhere between a backpack and a cross body) and it is so comfortable.
The ideal sling bag has to be hardwearing,
I am constantly struggling under a huge mountain of scraps and it is my guess that you have a few around too. My other struggle is not enough storage. Again, I bet that we have that in common as well!
My ultimate goal on the knitting journey was to knit a sock. I considered these to be so difficult that they were not possible to make by human endeavour alone. The blackest of arts were also required and at the
We are living in strange times and all indications show that Corona may be with us for a while. This is not really ideal but if we are stuck with it, we need to take steps to looking after ourselves.
I cannot believe that not only have I arrived at the point where I can knit a pair of usable socks but I can show other people how it is done! My Mum would be so proud. Not to mention