I cannot believe that not only have I arrived at the point where I can knit a pair of usable socks but I can show other people how it is done! My Mum would be so proud. Not to mention
I cannot believe that not only have I arrived at the point where I can knit a pair of usable socks but I can show other people how it is done! My Mum would be so proud. Not to mention
There are some bag making techniques which simply lift your project into the covetable realm of ‘artisan’ or ‘handmade’ and straps fall squarely under this heading.
You can of course, and we often do, leave webbing flat and just add
Making bags is huge fun- you get to make something that is beautiful and useful. And the best thing of all, the fun doesn’t have to stop there. We can also make accessories for bags! I know right!
This time,
I know that I start a lot of my posts by assuring you that this is the easiest >>insert ‘thing’ here<< ever! And here I go again – but in my defense, I would like to add that I have
A wrist strap is a fine detail to add to just about any bag that is small enough to carry in your hand. And you can often just put one in to an existing pattern. But how do you sew
Slip pockets are another essential bag making skill and they are really easy. You will have seen them already. Shirt breast pockets are slip pockets and they are a popular addition to most bags.
The thing is though, there are
This simple drawstring backpack is a bit of a blast from the past and it comes from my old blog. But I kinda love it and I thought that it deserved an update. So time to dust off the pattern,
As you will know by now, there have been lots of goings on with my blog and some changes being made (some not so sensible as it turns out). I have a few posts that never got past the draft
I have been going through my rubbish bin a lot lately….I must emphasise that it is all in the interests of upcycling and a recent addiction that I have formed to making little pots out of what I find in
Those of you who have been following me for a while now will know that I sew and quilt and do a lot of other crafts. Crochet is one of them! And in particular, I love crocheting items for the