Well this is weird! I have been blogging for more years than I can count over on Blogger and it has been great but I have outgrown my sandbox and it is time to move on to bigger things.
So here we are! Let’s do the introductions of the team. My name is Debbie and I love making bags. I do all sorts of other crafts too and I have been writing craft patterns for over 25 years now. There are also a few books (the latest ones are in the drop down menu My Books. I was born in Australia but I now live in beautiful Germany where I work from home doing what I love best -creating great content and writing patterns for new bags.

My other craft writing includes cards, some jewellery, knitting and crochet and quilting. You can see some examples of these and some free stuff over on my old blog here.
Some of the old content has made it to this blog too so if you are familiar with the old one, you will meet some familiar friends here.
But of course, no-one can do too much all by themselves and I would love to introduce you to my team. Daisy is the actual boss and I don’t do very much without her moderation , admin support and…um…permission.

Checkmate is actually the master of the universe but he takes time out of his busy schedule to help out by starting altercations over food and trying to override Daisy. But we are lucky to have such an important person to show us how to go about things.

So that is the team and we are off now to create some content for you. Thank you for being patient while I construct something here. It should not be too long and we will have something worth looking at.
Thank you for stopping by and don’t forget to subscribe by email so that you can receive your newsletter (when I get to that bit). Look forward to seeing you again very soon.