Think I am exaggerating just a bit? A simple sewing storage problem solved and everything else in your world falls into place! Well not quite (that credit card bill is still there) but not exaggerating either- anyone who has suffered
Think I am exaggerating just a bit? A simple sewing storage problem solved and everything else in your world falls into place! Well not quite (that credit card bill is still there) but not exaggerating either- anyone who has suffered
I love oilskin! It is actually nice to work with, looks amazing and pretty much any bag that you make from it will look professional. Also called dry oilskin or oilcloth, it is a fabric that has been long used
Everyone needs a simple tote bag in their repertoire. And you do not need me to tell you that it is coming up to gift giving time….
I love a simple make like this because it is quick. So if
Morning everyone! I am still on my crusade to show you cute and modern pattern ideas to use all of those scraps – and not only scraps of fabric but scraps of interfacing too. Sewing things are not free as
You guys know me by now, I like pockets and I am always after a way to improve storage options in a bag. We have made quite a lot of pockets together but the other day, I realised that there
Hello friends! I was so busy trying to decide whether to do the predictable Christmas post for you that I hardly noticed that Christmas whizzed by and made the decision for me! So in a mahoosive face -saving exercise where
There are some bag making techniques which simply lift your project into the covetable realm of ‘artisan’ or ‘handmade’ and straps fall squarely under this heading.
You can of course, and we often do, leave webbing flat and just add
As you will know by now, there have been lots of goings on with my blog and some changes being made (some not so sensible as it turns out). I have a few posts that never got past the draft
Zippers are hard right? Wrong! Zippers are not hard to install and there are a few tricks to change your zipper world. I actually have a theory that they have a reputation of being difficult because not all of the
Do you love a free project which uses little bits of fabric? I certainly do and as every sewist in the world knows, it doesn’t take long to get a scrap bag bag together. This time I have a pattern